Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Press Release: Independent Watchmaker Kari Voutilainen Makes A One-only Piece For The 2016 Kidz Horizon Appeal Charity Ball on August 20

SINGAPORE'S community of watch lovers lost one of their more passionate members in August 2009, when Duncan Wang passed away at the far too early age of 44 years. An American Chinese businessman who spent a good deal of his time in Singapore, he was a true collector, choosing his watches based on his respect for the personalities who made them, rather than buying them for their potential resale value.

Shortly after his passing, Duncan's parents in the US requested his friends here in Singapore to find a fitting way to remember him each year, based on the two things that this gentleman was most passionate about - his watches and his favourite charities.

Thus, in late August 2010, the first "Duncan watch" was auctioned off for a children's charity in Singapore, one that Duncan himself had supported before his untimely passing: The Kidz Horizon Appeal for children with chronic illnesses.

Between then and 2015, the Wang family has financed the purchase of five timepieces from the watch industry’s finest names to raise more than $600,000 for these children. This year, Duncan’s friends have managed to persuade Kari Voutilainen, one of Switzerland’s most admired independent watchmakers, to offer a unique edition of one of his iconic watches for KHA’s annual fund-raiser. He said yes without hesitation once he heard it would benefit Singapore’s less fortunate children. Thank you so much Kari!

About Duncan Watch number 6
Duncan’s parents thought that this year, it would be a good idea to champion the work of an independent watchmaker for a change. His friends in Singapore immediately thought of Kari Voutilainen.

Kari was born in Finland but moved to Switzerland to attend an advanced watchmaking course at the age of 27. Thereafter his exceptional talent found him restoring complicated timepieces for a decade, before teaching young watchmakers for a short spell. For the past fifteen years, however, he has moved on to building an eponymous brand, much to the pleasure of watch-lovers everywhere.

Above and beyond the many international prizes which he has won in recognition of his exquisite work, Kari is first and foremost a nice guy. In November 2015, he offered another one-only version of this year’s Duncan watch for a charity auction in Geneva, to benefit victims of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Duncan Watch Number 6 is Voutilainen’s GMT-6 wristwatch which embodies the perfection enshrined in Kari Voutilainen’s philosophy. The elegant and robust mechanism is housed in a sturdy and stylish case.

The proprietary movement of the GMT-6 was entirely conceived, designed, produced, finished and assembled in Voutilainen workshops. The design and philosophy of the movement combine respect for longevity and precision, in classic watchmaking tradition. The movement contains a proprietary sprung-balance system that ensures perfect timing of the watch according to strict tolerance criteria. The balance has four gold inertia-blocks to adjust the daily rate. To equip this exceptional timepiece, a unique and very rare balance-spring system has been used. The outside is a typical Breguet overcoil, while the inner terminal follows the less common Grossmann principle.

The watch’s outstanding feature is its escapement; it is the first watch to present two escape-wheels in such a configuration. The escape-wheels provide a direct impulse to the balance through the roller/jewel. This escapement is extremely efficient and requires less energy than traditional lever escapements, offering gains in terms of longevity and stability in everyday use.

For the Kidz Horizon Appeal auction this year, Kari has very kindly consented to make a one-only titanium cased version of his iconic GMT watch - bearing his signature hands and enamel dial - for the Wangs.

About the Charity and the 2016 Ball

Led by Dr Caroline Low-Heah, a group of prominent volunteers from Singapore's social circle form the backbone of the organisation - Kidz Horizon Appeal - formed in 2004 to raise funds for children suffering from cancer and other chronic or life-threatening illnesses. Typically, the beneficiaries of this charity are children whose parents may not be in a position to afford the expensive medical treatment they need. Caroline herself is something of a watch-lover, and has visited the Geneva Watch Fair with Duncan and his watch friends.

Dr Caroline Low-Heah has confirmed that this year's themed costume charity ball for the Kidz Horizon Appeal will once again be held at the Ritz Carlton Ballroom on Saturday, August 20th. Our 2016 theme of the "Buccaneer's Ball" promises an evening of swashbuckling fun and adventure!

This timepiece will retail at SGD$145,000, but the charity hopes this masterpiece can raise at least that or more for Singapore's chronically ill and needy children, who would not be able to afford medical treatment otherwise.

Dear Media Friends
On Kari Voutilainen's website, there is a quote which would have resonated so well with our dear Duncan.

"A man is valued by his work, not his words..."

Of course, our son had the deepest of admiration for the wonderful watchmaking names that have done so much to preserve the art of high horology.

Equally though, he always had a soft spot for those brave enough to strike out on their own, those who choose to tread the more tricky path of independent watchmaking. He would have loved Kari, and we hope you do too.

Thank you for helping us to tell his story, and for helping us to help the less fortunate children of Singapore. Duncan would have liked that.

The family of Duncan Wang
June 2016

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